As senior living communities take precautions during COVID-19 communication and access to information is key

March 6, 2020
First, we hope you, your family, colleagues and residents are all safe and healthy as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to cause concern across the nation. We at K4Connect want to make sure we’re doing everything we can to support you so that you can best serve your teams, residents and their families. We understand communication and connection are absolutely essential during times like these, and we want to make that easier in any way that we can.
Our community partners are truly our priority, and we are actively working on ways we can accelerate improving and expanding our product to bring you more support during this time. Expect more here soon.
We are here to serve you and right now, that means shifting our focus to how we can make K4Community an even stronger resource for your teams and residents. We’ll keep you up to date on what this looks like and in the meantime, we hope these best practices offer additional support as you serve your community members and their families.
How to Prepare Your Community for the Coronavirus with K4Community, Right Now
Voice – residents can easily access community notices and other timely community information by asking Alexa for the latest updates, keeping residents informed and lightening the burden of inquiries on staff
- NEW opt-in option – we have just released a new function, allowing communities to program direct hotlines for residents into Alexa devices.

NEW Digital Signage Content – including 11 new slides and templates with health organization-certified COVID-19 information, prevention techniques and revised visitation policies can be found in the content library

K4Community App– communicate customized updates and news via the designated News folder in the K4Community App, a great place to share important updates that residents can easily refer back to wherever they are
YouTube Playlist – diversify how residents are gathering information by creating a COVID-19 YouTube video playlist with guidance videos from certified health organizations. We’ve gone ahead and created a list of recent top videos you can use, below
- Links to Health Organization YouTube Videos
Our teams are working hard on ways we can accelerate K4Community features and functions to best support our customers and members at this time. Our aim is to augment your already busy teams, not create more work for you. Have an idea or challenge K4Community might be able to solve? Reach out to our team here.
– The K4Connect Team